Today, many Pagans still celebrate Yule on the day of the Winter Solstice. Pagans celebrate the rebirth of the sun through gift exchanges, merriment, and deep spiritual reflection. For Pagans, this is a time of new beginnings, rebirth, transformation, getting rid of unwanted habits, and creativity.
Many pagans for Yule will decorate their homes or build an altar. Traditional decorations may include: red, gold and green candles to celebrate the returning light. evergreens, such as ivy (immortality), holly (protection), yew (rebirth and the spirit realm) and pine (healing and purifying if burned).
Yule Literally means "Wheel", Winter Solstice, Midwinter Longest night
The tree is the symbol of life and the cosmos (The World Tree), lights are the light over darkness, fruit decorations are bringing in what we want wishes of fertility, tree is made sanctuary to the "little people"
Foods - Sweets of all kinds, boar
Colors - Red, green. Gold Hollyberries symbolize birth blood
Yule log burns for 12 days and nights
The Goddess, as the Crone, gives birth and transforms into the Maiden
The God returns from the otherworld by being reborn as the Sun Child
Solar based/God oriented
Secular correspondences
• Christmas, Hanukkah